John Braithwaite

Interview with John Braithwaite

John Braithwaite is an Emeritus Professor and Founder of RegNet (the Regulatory Institutions Network), now School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet) at the Australian National University.

June, 2020

versão em português

O Professor John Braithwaite pode ser considerado um dos “founding father” da criminologia empresarial e das modernas estratégias de autorregulação regulada. No seu pioneiro estudo [Enforced self-regulation: a new strategy for corporate crime control. In Michigan Law, vol. 80, 1982, p. 1466 e segs], Braithwaite observou a incapacidade das agências estatais de fiscalizarem diretamente as atividades das corporações que exploravam diversos segmentos econômicos, tanto nos mercados internos como âmbito global. Assim, ele teorizou sobre uma nova forma de enfrentamento do desvio empresarial, denominando-a de enforced self-regulation. Segundo suas palavras, o Estado-vigia, que precedeu ao Estado Keinesiano, era concebido como aquele em que a maior parte, tanto do “remar” como do “pilotar”, era realizada pela sociedade civil. No Estado Keinesiano que o sucedeu, o Estado se encarregava, principalmente, de “remar” e era deficiente em “pilotar” a sociedade civil. No novo Estado regulador, apresenta-se como ideal o Estado “pilotando” e a sociedade civil “remando” [The new regulatory state and the transformation of criminology. In British Journal of Criminology, vol. 40, 2000].

Here are the Answers to the following Questions:

What is your opinion on compliance programs spread around the world from the North American experience?

What Valerie Braithwaite calls ‘game players’ in her 2009 book on Motivational Postures does characterise many compliance programs that look good on paper, but that actually game the regulatory system. Street-level inspection remains of fundamental importance to ‘kick the compliance tyres’ of the game players. That said, there are many genuinely effective compliance programs. And it is of vital importance to learn from how they make a difference.

What is your point of view about responsive regulatory nowadays?

I continue to think that responsive regulation is one theoretical perspective that has some value. I am doing more writing at the moment on the evidence for the effectiveness and limits of responsive regulation.

What is your opinion about corporate or/and organizational criminology? How the student can improve his knowledge in this area?

The area wordwide continues to be one that attracts some of the brightest and best criminology students. The challenges ahead are huge. Our survival depends on responding to them and that makes it an exciting field for students who want to contribute to a better world. The students who make the biggest impact are interdisciplinary; their reading ranges beyond criminology.

How the Academia and Criminological Research help in corporate crime prevention?

We need work on how to integrate a mix of preventive strategies, as Gunningham, Grabosky and Sinclair argued in Smart Regulation (1998).

What suggestions would you give to those interested in studying and researching corporate crime in Brazil?

Study in a Brazilian way rather than in a Western way, but be open to the world and cosmopolitan.